April 10, 2013

Where has all the time gone!!!

Well. Look who decided to drop in and post on her blog! Thank you to the kind friend who sent an "are you still ok?" email this past week :-). It has indeed spurred me on to update. I can't tell you how out of the loop I feel at this point, I haven't been involved in any of the online tatting communities in the better part of a year, and I am even taking a year off Shuttlebirds. I am still tatting, and plan to do the Farmers Market again this year. I haven't designed anything new in quite awhile though. I don't really have time to just sit and doodle with thread like I used to. We have started homeschooling this year, and that takes a serious chunk of time out of our day. I really love the time I get to spend with our girls, and I wouldn't have it any other way. If I could wave a magic wand and make myself more organized in other areas, I'd be thrilled. As is, I take it one day at a time. It is definitely the priority around here, so some things had to be shuffled to the side... this blog, even my band for the time being have fallen to the wayside for the time being. Dr. Vonthreadmore doesn't speak to me anymore. She says I don't deserve her. I hope to be back in the dye studio this summer when school lets out for us, I actually need to do some thread for myself soon. Until next time, Happy tatting! I can't promise regular updates, I have many projects that take priority. Such as getting the Etsy shop back in order as well. I know this was just another quick update, and I do miss the tatting community as a whole. Life comes in seasons! Best wishes! Krystle